Ventana is a leading provider of automated systems for immunohistochemistry (IHC), in-situ hybridization (ISH), and Special Stains and has offices located in the North America, Europe, Japan, and Asia Pacific. With a large and growing worldwide install base, Ventana"s advanced technologies have introduced consistent and reproducible quality staining results to laboratories throughout the world.
To contact Ventana in your part of the world:
North American
Corporate Headquarters
1910 Innovation Park Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85755
Telephone (520) 887-2155
Toll Free (800) 227-2155
Fax (520) 229-4207
E-mail Ventana - Tucson, Arizona
Information Requests
Human Resources
Directions To Ventana |
European Headquarters
Ventana Medical Systems S.A.
Parc d"Innovation
Rue G. de Kaysersberg, BP 30144
F-67404 Illkirch CEDEX
Telephone +33 (0)3 90 40 52 00
Fax +33 (0)3 90 40 52 40
European Team Contacts
E-mail Ventana - Europe Division |
Ventana Japan, K.K.
Landmark Tower 35F
2-2-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku
Yokohama, 220-8135
Telephone 81 45 228 5071
Fax 81 45 228 5070
Japan site- www.ventanamed.co.jp |
Asia Pacific Headquarters
Ventana Medical Systems, PTY Ltd.
5/39 Grand Boulevard
Montmorency, VIC 3094
Telephone + 61 (0)3 9431 6064
1300 139 070 (loc call within Australia)
0800-VENTANA (free call from NZ)
Fax: + 61 (0)3 9439 6741
E-mail Ventana - Asia |