
Why is Supplementation Important for People Who Work a Lot?


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It is difficult to meet all of your nutritional requirements with food alone. The reason for this is simple: not all types of food contain all the essential nutrients, in the required amounts, every day. In fact, even eating a varied diet doesn’t make it likely that an individual will consume everything they need. This is where supplementation comes in handy! Here are the top reasons why supplementation is important, especially if you work a lot.

What Is Supplementation?

Supplementation is the process of adding beneficial substances to one’s diet in order to promote healthy living. There are many different kinds of supplements, including vitamin pills, meal replacement shakes, protein powders, pre-workout mixes, and so on. For example, if you know that you do not consume enough magnesium for your recommended daily allowance (RDA), you may want to take a magnesium supplement, thus reaching your RDA.

Here’s why supplementation is important.

To Increase Focus Levels

People who work a lot often suffer from mental fatigue. In fact, according to studies a significant percentage of workers have reported that they have been affected by mental fatigue in their lifetime. This is due to the fact that stress affects cognitive function. It can result in a reduced memory capacity and a lack of focus.

Mental fatigue is caused by the depletion of neurotransmitters, like dopamine, which is vital for cognitive function. Supplements, nootropic supplements especially, are designed to boost cognitive function. When choosing a nootropic supplement, research is key. There are a lot of blogs dedicated to such reviews, so it shouldn’t be hard. For instance, a popular nootropic is Focus Factor and this Focus Factor guide explains the pros and cons of this supplement. Thus you’ll be able to make an informed decision.

Further, people who work a lot tend to have higher cortisol levels than those who do not work at all. Cortisol is one of the key stress hormones that deplete neurotransmitters when present in excess amounts. Therefore, by reducing your cortisol levels (for example by consuming magnesium or melatonin), you may be able to increase focus and reduce mental fatigue.

To Enhance Physical Performance

The body requires a large number of nutrients, in particular protein and carbohydrate-rich foods, to function properly. In order to meet the required nutrient intake, most people need to consume three normal-sized meals per day.

However, that is not always possible for those who work a lot. For example, there are some jobs where it’s impossible for employees to take a break and eat during their eight-hour shifts (e.g., truck drivers). In this case, supplementation can be a great way to make sure your body gets all the energy it requires every single day.

To Prevent Deficiencies

Essential nutrients are not always available. Therefore, supplementation prevents deficiencies caused by increased requirements due to stress, work overloads, and so forth. Here are the most common deficiencies to beware of:

Protein Deficiency

People who work a lot may lack protein in their diets. This is because many people cannot find the time to eat three normal-sized meals per day. In fact, the protein intake of many working individuals is below the recommended daily allowance (RDA), which is 55.00g for men and 45.00g for women per day, depending on a person’s age and lifestyle. The effects of this deficiency include fatigue, cognitive decline, loss of lean body mass (instead of fat).

Carbohydrate Deficiency

People who work a lot often lack carbohydrates in their diets, which means that their glycogen stores get depleted, and they may become fatigued and suffer from cognitive decline. Carbohydrate deficiency is common among endurance athletes who train for long periods of time every day and eat only one large meal per day. The effects of this deficiency include cramps, lethargy, lack of motivation

Vitamin B Deficiency

People who work a lot or exercise intensely often suffer from vitamin B deficiencies because these vitamins are water-soluble and therefore easily lost through sweating. As a result, fatigue, skin problems, and psychological issues like anxiety, depression may develop.

Calcium Deficiency

People who work a lot or exercise intensely often lack calcium in their diets due to the fact that many people consume large amounts of coffee, which inhibits the absorption of calcium. This is particularly problematic for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or post-menopausal because they have an increased need for calcium. Calcium deficiency results in muscle cramps, depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure.

To Convey Messages Clearly and Concisely

One of the things people who work a lot often find difficult is to communicate effectively. It may be because they don’t have enough time to prepare their thoughts and sentences, or maybe they’re simply dealing with too much information at once. There’s also another factor: if you’re working in a rush it’s harder to express yourself properly. Hectic environments can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings.

A great way to avoid such problems is by using supplements that aid decision-making and help individuals process information more accurately. Such supplements can help you improve your decision-making skills and recall important information, which will ultimately help you communicate with your colleagues more clearly.

If you work a lot and don’t have enough time to eat three meals a day, consider taking supplements in order to prevent the onset of nutrient deficiencies. In addition, if you want to focus or be more effective in your communication with other people, try using supplements that will help your brain process information better.

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