What No One Told You About Healthcare Frauds Connected To COVID 19 Testing


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Since the pandemic of Covid-19 has started, everyone’s life has changed. No matter if it is work, social interactions, or travel, all of it was impacted in some way. To keep the pandemic in control and to end it as soon as possible, a lot of measures had to be put in place. But, what has also become extremely important, are testings for Covid-19. No matter if you have the symptoms, if you have been in contact with an infected person, or you need to travel you must get tested. This is important for both controlling and ending the pandemic, as well as preventing you from the dangers this virus can impose on you.

Unfortunately, as with anything else, different frauds are connected to Covid-19 testing. So, whether you want to get a so-called PCR test, or an antigen test there are a few things to look out for. To find out more about Covid- 19 test-related frauds, read through the rest of this article.

There are numerous fake testing centers

Sadly, during this time, when such a big part of the population needs to get tested, many people saw it as a way to make money off of it. This resulted in a lot of healthcare fraud related to COVID-19 testing, so it is important to be careful where you get tested. Depending on where you live, try to find a list of official testing centers, so that you know your test will be valid. This way, you will avoid wasting your money on a test that is not even the real deal. Moreover, if you happen to need the test for travel purposes and you get it from a testing center that is not authorized, you might be denied to cross a border, or board the plane. And lastly, you will avoid the whole frustration about a situation like this.

Safety must be considered as well

Maybe what is even worse than wasting money on a fake test is risking your safety. Health professionals must be trained to know how to collect a throat or a nose swab or take a sample of your blood for the antibodies test. If you go to a facility that is not an official testing center, likely, they will not be well-trained. Taking these samples is a delicate procedure and you do not want to risk getting injured during this process. So, whichever testing center you go to, make sure that the people taking your sample are trained professionals who know what they are doing. Doing the test can be stressful enough for a lot of people, so try to avoid any additional ones.

Another issue people often face in these kinds of fake centers is that the employees do not change their gloves before testing a new patient. By doing this, even if you were not infected, they are risking transmitting the virus from other patients to you. So, whenever you do go to get tested, take a look to see whether the person taking your test is changing their gloves.

Watch out for what they are wearing

If you are not a medical worker yourself, or if you have never been tested for coronavirus before, you might not know which clothing the medical workers taking the test need to be wearing. When you go to take the test, take a close look at the uniforms they are wearing. Many people have reported cases in which the fake medical professionals were wearing painter’s clothing, or other uniforms that resemble the real thing. So, if you do not know how these uniforms look, make sure you look them up online and avoid someone stealing your money for a fake test.

Avoid test centers that are not in hospitals or clinics

The best testing centers to go to would be the ones that are a part of a hospital or a clinic. That way, you will know you are not going to any place that might be a fraud. Do not go to pop-up tent testing centers outside of Walmart or your local gas station. These are almost certainly fake and are there only to steal your money.

Moreover, make sure not to give any personal information to anybody but your providers. If these fake testing centers get a hold of your Medicare number, they can set you back a lot. It has happened to people that they got billing for additional tests and medical equipment for a few thousand dollars. So, even if there is not an open slot to test in a hospital on the same day, be patient and take the next appointment,  just to be safe.

You can file a lawsuit

Even if you become the victim of fraud related to Covid-19 testing, there are still things you can do. As with any other type of fraud, you can hire a lawyer. These lawyers have a lot of experience representing lab owners, clinical laboratories, and the other ones in Medicare fraud matters. So, if you are concerned about the Covid-19 test you took, or your Medicare billings, make sure you do not leave it to faith. Make sure you contact a federal healthcare fraud defense lawyer in cases like this. Of course, do so also if you were contacted by agents from the FBI, DOJ, or HHS OIS, it will make your life a lot easier.

Truly, the Covid-19 pandemic has brought many troubles to the whole world. It has changed people’s daily life, it has made everyone’s life harder. And with all of that trouble, nobody in their right mind would expect that people will take advantage of the whole situation. But sadly, many people are doing so. Many people are creating fake Covid-19 testing centers to steal other people’s money.

So, whenever you need to go and take the test, make sure you are being careful. Make sure to check whether the testing center you are going to is real or not. You can do it online in a few minutes, and it will save you a lot of money and trouble that you would face when going to a fake testing center. The best idea is, of course, to go to the ones in clinics or hospitals, where your test will be taken safely and will be valid. And of course, if you do become a victim of this type of fraud, make sure to immediately contact a federal healthcare fraud defense lawyer.

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