Unilabs’ Patients get faster diagnosis of sepsis through the project SMARTDIAGNOS

Unilabs Sweden is a key player to the EU project "SMARTDIAGNOS- Next Generation sepsis diagnosis technology", which provides rapid diagnostics and better conditions for treatment for patients with blood poisoning.
Blood poisoning, known as sepsis, is a potentially fatal immune response of the human body, often caused by bacterial or fungal infection. Early diagnosis is crucial for proper treatment.
"Unilabs eagerly looks forward to contributing to this important project", says Helena Enroth, development manager Molecular Unilabs Skövde and adjunct professor at the University of Skövde.
Ten partners consisting of companies, institutions and universities, runs the SMARTDIAGNOS- project simultaneously. The 4-years running project has received funding from the EU's "Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the grant agreement No. 687 697 ". The project started om February 1, 2016.
SMARTDIAGNOS will provide fast and accurate sepsis diagnosis, with the ability to reduce morbidity and mortality by up to 20%.