Sodexo is all set to launch an improved, evidence-based infection prevention approach called Protecta for hospitals to fight against healthcare acquired infections (HCAIs).
Protecta brings together trained frontline teams, new range of cleaning solutions and encapsulates technologies, processes and training.
This new approach will promote and support the adoption of best practices in cleaning and decontamination at hospitals and help them fight against HCAIs, while meeting the new National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness.
Sodexo noted that all processes, solutions and cleaning frequencies will be aligned to each hospital’s risk categories.
Sodexo UK & Ireland cleaning head Lauren Kyle said: “Sodexo is passionate about helping to prevent HCAIs and achieving positive patient outcomes through training, continual innovation and correct procedures to create efficiencies in patient care and wellbeing.
“Providing a clean and safe environment for patients and staff and improving everyday outcomes has never been more important. The pandemic has raised awareness of the critical role cleaning professionals have in helping to keep healthcare settings safe and clean.”
The Protecta programme in the US has been proven to reduce C.diff by 53% and MRSA by 70% and eliminate Covid-19 from surfaces.
A wide range of equipment and technologies are offered along with Protecta.
Sodexo also plans to invest in a new Protecta Training Academy which will provide specialist infection prevention training and development pathway for its frontline teams.
Additionally, it will create Centres of Excellence hospital sites to work on trialling new cleaning solutions and their impact.
Protecta+ offers hospitals an advanced set of equipment solutions, which include HPV and UV-C decontamination and robotic technology.