MRC Technology invests 7 millionpounds to expand its diagnostics research capability in Scotland

MRC Technology, an independent medical research charity, has announced the relocation of its Centre for Diagnostics Development (CDD) to Nine, Edinburgh BioQuarter. The move forms part of the charity’s investment of over £7million over the next five years to further its work accelerating diagnostic research into the clinic. CDD will potentially double its headcount over the same period.
Increasing collaborations with industry, academia and the NHS has prompted the need for increased laboratory and office space from its current location at the Scottish Health Service Conference Centre.
Dr Dave Tapolczay, Chief Executive, MRC Technology said: “The move to bigger premises is part of our strategy to grow our diagnostics capability. We recently completed a test to diagnose antibacterial resistance in collaboration with an industry partner. With increased capacity we can take on more such projects and ultimately deliver greater benefit to patients.”
Dr Michael Dalrymple, Director of Diagnostics Development, MRC Technology said: “We selected the site to foster new collaborations. It is close to a major research hospital and medical researchers, and adjacent to a thriving SME community. The purpose-built laboratories and office space will be fitted out to our specification to ensure efficient execution and management of diagnostics development.”
Julia Brown, Director of Life and Chemical Sciences at Scottish Enterprise, said: “We are delighted to welcome MRC Technology, widely regarded as one of the most successful commercialisation organisations in Europe, to the family of companies at Edinburgh BioQuarter. MRC Technology is joining us at a very exciting time: Nine, our flagship incubator facility, is now fully occupied, and we have a centre for clinical trials adjacent to it. Plans are now well underway for a pipeline of accommodation to support our thriving businesses.”
MRC Technology appointed Eric Young & Co to assist in identifying and securing suitable property. PMP has been appointed as project managers for the relocation, with Form and RSP acting as design and mechanical & electrical systems consultants respectively.
For further information on how to collaborate with the Centre for Diagnostics Development please visit