CareTech Solutions, Inc., an information technology (IT) and Web products and services company servicing U.S. hospitals and health systems, announced today that it has signed a five-year, comprehensive infrastructure outsourcing contract with Sibley Memorial Hospital, a full-service, 328 bed nonprofit acute care community hospital serving the Washington, D.C. area. This is the second infrastructure outsourcing contract CareTech has signed in the past six months.
"I'm delighted in Sibley Memorial Hospital's decision to partner with CareTech Solutions for its infrastructure management and service desk operation," said Jim Giordano, president and CEO of CareTech Solutions. "Hospitals are under immense pressure to deliver more technology and capabilities to its clinicians on a 24/7 basis, and CareTech can help. We're the only IT outsourcing company focused solely on hospitals, so we understand the challenges and are ready to deliver the technical services and health information management Sibley Memorial needs."
Sibley Memorial Hospital Vice President for Information Systems and Chief Information Officer, Kenda West Tavakoli said, "Partnering with CareTech provides Sibley Memorial access to a cost effective network of technical experts and advanced tools. I'm eager to leverage CareTech's in-depth knowledge of hospital information management to strengthen Sibley's technology function." Tavakoli continued, "Transitioning our existing technical services staff to CareTech will provide them with greater opportunities for growth and development otherwise not available, and will allow the remaining staff to focus on applications and interface support while building technology solutions to support the hospital's overall objectives."
CareTech's outsourcing contract with Sibley Memorial includes infrastructure management (strategic planning, performance measurement, problem solving, testing and resolution), and a healthcare specific helpdesk with clinician support available 24/7/365.