Biotronics3D and The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) to develop and launch new software to significantly improve the accuracy of MRI scan analysis. Called 3D Net Perfusion, the system extracts data from images of tumours and transforms it into usable information.
A powerful analytical tool, 3D Net Perfusion enables clinicians to gain clearer comprehension of MRI scans, improving the accuracy of diagnosis and assessment of treatment efficacy. It is also an innovative way of visualising and measuring the blood supply to cancers – a crucial factor in tumour growth.
The software is the result of pioneering trials at the ICR led by Professor Martin Leach, David Collins and James d’Arcy, and is currently used in 10 research centres. Scientists from the ICR continue to work with Biotronics3D software developers to further enhance the product.
Paul Carnochan, Senior Business Development Manager at the ICR, believes the partnership could have broader implications and says: London has an abundance of research capabilities and commercial expertise in the field of medical imaging and we believe that collaborations like this one can be the key to raising London’s profile as a major biotech hub.