Australia Attempting To Cut Emissions In Healthcare Vertical


In order to advance towards more ecologically friendly healthcare, specialists from Australia’s Monash University and a global team of academics have emphasised the necessity of precisely determining the carbon output of digital health interventions.

Utilizing telehealth, electronic medical records, artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things, and other digital health technologies will help the industry cut down on carbon emissions. The new study, which was recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, examined 3299 studies and discovered that there are no widely recognised tools or techniques for calculating the carbon footprint of digital health interventions.

Additionally, current methods for evaluating the environmental impact of digital healthcare technology are jumbled and frequently focus entirely on just one aspect of the technology, such as energy usage, rather than the influence of the technology as a whole, from creation to execution to disposal.

Governments, hospitals, and healthcare professionals are eager to cut emissions generated by the sector, but they need the necessary tools to bring about sustainable change, according to Zerina Tomkins, lead researcher and associate professor at Monash University’s School of Nursing and Midwifery.

Future work by the research team will centre on creating a framework and related tools to motivate everyone involved in the healthcare industry, including governmental authorities, executives, businesses, healthcare professionals, and workers, to create and use sustainable digital healthcare solutions.