Robo Doctors have become reality in India. Robotic-assisted surgeries are going great guns. Even though the technology is so new and just ten years old, it has greater acceptance. Within four months since KIMS piloted South India’s first robot assisted surgeries at a whopping investment of Rs 10 crore, more than 40 robotically assisted surgeries have been performed among all the specialties put together.
Robotically assisted surgery marked the new era in medical treatment. It is the most defining moment in the history of medical sciences. Robotically-assisted surgery was developed to overcome both the limitations of minimally invasive surgery or to enhance the capabilities of surgeons performing open surgery. Using this technology, Surgeons at KIMS have done a rare surgery — Robotic Colorectal Surgery for the first time in India. Though there are 4 Robos in India (Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad), KIMS is the first in the country to use Robotic help to do the surgery.
Colon in layman’s language is the large intestine. It is part of our digestive system. It’s a long, hollow tube at the end of digestive tract where our body makes and stores stool. Many disorders affect the colon’s ability to work properly. Some of these include Colorectal cancer; Colonic polyps – extra tissue growing in the colon that can become cancerous; Ulcerative colitis – ulcers of the colon and rectum; Diverticulitis – inflammation or infection of pouches in the colon; and Irritable bowel syndrome – an uncomfortable condition causing abdominal cramping and other symptoms Treatment for colonic diseases varies greatly depending on the disease and its severity. Treatment may involve diet, medicines and in some cases, surgery.
Colorectal surgery repairs damage to the colon, rectum, and anus through a variety of procedures that may have little or great long-term consequence to the patient. Colorectal surgery is a specialised field in medicine, dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon. KIMS has performed four surgeries three on men and one female all belong to the state. As it is Colorectal surgery is nothing new and is routine. Earlier, they were done open and laproscopically. Now with the advent of Robotics in Medical Field, Robotic Arms are used for more effective surgery. Robotic Colorectal Surgery is the most upcoming branch in the medical treatment.
The surgical team is comprised of the Dr. Surya Nalamati, Senior Surgeon, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit U.S.A; Dr. M.B.V.Prasad, Consultant Surgical Gastro Enterologist; Dr. Ravichander, Surgical Oncologist; Dr. Lakshmikanth, Surgical Gastro Enterologist of KIMS Hospital. The procedures are of two to three hours duration.
The types of colon and rectal problems treated with this type of surgery have challenges of the small, narrow pelvis which houses blood vessels and nerves that surgeons must preserve to protect a patient’s quality of life. Surgeons use the robotic system to treat diseases and cancers found in these narrow constraints of the pelvis, including rectal and anal cancers as well as diverticulitis.
Robotic Assisted Surgery is used for colon and rectal problems because the surgeon has a better view of the pelvic area and can spot diseased areas much more precisely. Robotic-assisted surgery allows the surgeon to keep more of the colon intact, reducing the need for a colostomy (A colostomy is an incision (cut) into the colon (large intestine) to create an artificial opening or "stoma" to the exterior of the abdomen.). When procedures are performed in this minimally invasive fashion, many patients are able to avoid the need for a colostomy and the chances are much higher that sexual function and bladder control will be preserved, greatly improving the patient’s quality of life.
Robotic Colorectal surgery benefits the patient immensely. Patients benefit from a much smaller surgical incision, , which leads to less pain and a shorter recovery time. Most common patient benefits include: Significantly less pain during recovery, Less blood loss during surgery, Less complications during surgery, Less scarring after surgery, Shorter hospital stay, A quicker return to work and daily activities, Often better clinical outcomes, Preserves sexual function, Preserves bladder control and Higher quality of life after surgery.
Robotic system is proven for Colorectal Surgery. More than ten thousand procedures are reported across the globe so far in the last ten years since Robotic Assisted Surgeries are introduced.
KIMS Hospital initiated a drive in June 2011 to use the robot-assisted technology in a bid to benefit and save patients suffering from plethora of problems like Urology (prostate, kidney, and urinary bladder) and Gynaecology surgeries and subsequently add other specialties such as ENT, Cardiac Surgery, Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Liver Resections.
Robotic Assisted Surgery is introduced in association with Vattikuti Urology Institute (VUI), Michigan, USA of Vattikuti Foundation, a major global player in propagating the concept of Minimally Invasive Research with a specific focus in robotic surgery. To take robotic surgery to the next level, robotic surgery institutes are established globally. Similarly it associates with KIMS to set up South India’s first robotic facility. VUI has performed over 6000 robotic surgeries, more than any other hospital in the world.
The major advantage of Robotics assisted surgery is that the incisions made are tiny so the recovery from surgery is extremely quick. Quick healing time is hallmark of this surgery. Rapid recovery from surgery is not only better for the patient, but it is less expensive for society. Some other major advantages of robotic surgery are precision, miniaturization, decreased blood loss, less pain and lesser hospital stay. The surgery could be conducted quickly and safely with negligible blood loss.
Further advantages are articulation beyond normal manipulation and three-dimensional magnification, resulting in improved ergonomics. Robotic techniques are more useful where surgeons’ hands cannot reach. And also 360 degree rotation, which through hands is not possible. Thus robots take surgery beyond the limits of human hand. On an average, patients leave the hospital two to five days earlier than patients who have undergone traditional open surgery and return to work and normal activity 50% more quickly. This also reduces the number of staff needed during surgery, nursing care. Therefore, the overall cost of hospital stay comes down. So there is no blood loss, so no blood transfusions are required. And use of pain medication too comes down, Dr. Rao explained.
For appointments and details contact: Dr.M.B.V Prasad, phone: 8008440044, or Mrs. Dharini, 9676299605, You can also log on to