Three new Stories of Success! case study program selections are now available on the HIMSS website. HIMSS12 Call for Stories of Success Case Studies now open
The value of health information technology can be best highlighted by looking at its use, and resulting outcomes, in real-life situations. Consider the following three examples from new case studies in the Stories of Success! program from HIMSS and co-sponsors American Society for Quality (ASQ), National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) and National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF).
1. At the Murphy Medical Associates, Murphy, NC, the discrepancies between the dictated discharge summary and medication reconciliation dropped to 14%, after implementing the medication reconciliation system.
2. University Medical Practice Associates, New York, NY, drove improvement of diabetes care in Upper West Side and Harlem neighborhoods of New York City through clinical decision support and analytics. For example, within four months, the practice recorded that:
• The percentage of patients who had dilated eye exam increased from 17% to 46%.
• The percentage of patients who had blood pressure less than 140/90 increased from 61% to 72%.
3. Community Health Network, Indianapolis, Ind., saved time and improved accuracy on data intake by the nursing staff and improved accuracy in recording the details of medications with the implementation of medication reconciliation in the EHR.
Each case study represents outstanding accomplishments in the adoption and of use of health IT to fulfill national priorities recommended by the National Priorities Partnership (NPP) and The Joint Commission’s (TJC) National Patient Safety Goals.
“Improving patient safety and quality remains an ongoing priority for HIMSS and all organizations involved with the Stories of Success! program. These three new case studies illustrate what healthcare organizations can accomplish when implementing health IT and use the available applications and data to improve the care of their patients,” said Jonathan French, Director, Healthcare Information Systems, for HIMSS.
Submit Case Studies: The new call for Stories of Success case studies is now open with a peer review body selecting the final Stories of Success! case studies. The selected case studies will be posted on the HIMSS website. In addition, health IT professionals submitting case studies may be selected to showcase their project at HIMSS13 Poster Session. Members of the HIMSS Quality, Cost Safety Committee and additional subject matter experts from organizations, such as The Joint Commission, the National Committee for Quality Assurance and the American Society for Quality, provide support to this review process. The National Quality Forum also supports the project.
HIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organization exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare. Founded 50 years ago, HIMSS and its related organizations are headquartered in Chicago with additional offices in the United States, Europe and Asia. HIMSS represents more than 38,000 individual members, of which more than two thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations. HIMSS also includes over 540 corporate members and more than 120 not-for-profit organizations that share our mission of transforming healthcare through the effective use of information technology and management systems. HIMSS frames and leads healthcare practices and public policy through its content expertise, professional development, research initiatives, and media vehicles designed to promote information and management systems’ contributions to improving the quality, safety, access, and cost-effectiveness of patient care. To learn more about HIMSS and to find out how to join us and our members in advancing our cause, please visit our website at .
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