Agfa HealthCare's advanced DX-S system is a groundbreaking system that has created a new threshold in Digital Radiography. It includes DirectriX™ needle-based detector technology, that offers increased image quality and potential for X-ray patient dose reduction, and Scanhead™ technology for reduced waiting times. The system fills the gap in the current range of Digital Radiography Solutions, by providing a unique combination of image quality, speed and flexibilitythat exceeds traditional Computed Radiography (CR) solutions.It is used in environments where patient comfort, exam speed and imaging flexibility are of paramount importance. The DX-S is a leading alternative to DR (Direct Radiography) in all of the environments listed. It provides the flexibility and economical advantages of CR, with the quality of DR.
About Agfa Healthcare:
Agfa HealthCare, a leading provider of IT-enabled clinical workflow and diagnostic imaging solutions, announces today that two recent independent studies have confirmed that the company’s pioneering DX-S offline detector system delivers high quality diagnostic exposures with significantly reduced patient exposure dose. A study by the University Clinical Center of Giessen and Marburg in Germany evaluated the dose and quality performance of Agfa HealthCare’s DX-S system, compared to the performance of a 400 speed class screen/film system. The study involved 200 thoracic exposures from children . The second study, by the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany, covered larger children and adolescents and exposures using a chest phantom . The results were evaluated by five investigators. Both studies concluded that, with Agfa HealthCare’s DX-S system, the dose could be reduced by up to 50 percent, without reducing the diagnostic quality.
Iskandar Accaoui
Business Unit Manager CR/DR
Septestraat 27
2640 Mortsel – Belgium
tel:+32 (0)3 444 75 53
Frederique Depraetere
Global PR Manager Agfa HealthCare
Septestraat 27
2640 Mortsel – Belgium
tel:+32 (0)3 444 80 06
fax:+32 (0)3 444 72 85