Women’s Health Singapore: What are the Five Key Concerns?


For any woman, being knowledgeable about your health isn’t negotiable. It is paramount if you’re keen on making informed decisions about your overall well-being.

With a good understanding of your health, it is easy to see the significance of regular screenings at reputable women’s health clinics like Endofibroid (https://endofibroid.com.sg/service/womens-wellness-screening/).

Having a good understanding of your health also ensures that you’re best placed to prevent conditions that may impact your quality of life. What’s more, being aware of your health gives you the best chances of early intervention if you catch any diseases or conditions that may impact your overall health.

What are Five Female Health Concerns?

If you’ve ever wondered about female health concerns, a fairly common question that may have at one point crossed your mind is; what keeps a woman healthy? Well, the answer isn’t so direct but this may help;

A woman stays healthy through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, sufficient rest, and routine check-ups. Routine check-ups and screenings catch issues early while other aspects like balanced nutrition and regular exercise etc ensure that your system stays in a good shape to defend itself against most ailments.

Managing stress and maintaining a positive mindset are equally vital for staying healthy. You will want to avoid harmful habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption and also prioritize your mental well-being. When you keep yourself healthy, you will be best-placed to effectively manage most female health concerns including these five key ones;

â—Ź Sexual Health

When thinking about women’s health in Singapore, one of the key concerns is sexual health. There are over 30 types of STIs.

However, human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most prevalent, and about 80% of sexually active women will contract HPV.

Some strains of HPV are linked to cancer but thankfully, there is the HPV vaccine which at least offers some protection.

Still on sexual health, there is also cervical cancer. Once a major threat, cervical cancer is now detectable through Pap smears.

This early detection allows for timely treatment which significantly reduces mortality rates. The aim is to catch abnormalities before they progress. In cases of significant precancer, a Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) can be used to remove affected cells from the cervix and prevent cancer.

I. Maternal Health Concerns

Maternal health encompasses your well-being during pregnancy and childbirth. Good maternal care addresses the physical and mental aspects of a woman’s health during this crucial phase.

This is important as changes during pregnancy, like iron-deficiency anemia and high blood pressure, can significantly impact your health. Preconception care is equally vital.

Conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure should be well-managed before conceiving. High-risk conditions, like major cardiac disorders or neurological issues, require a specialized care plan.

During pregnancy, adequate nutrition and preventive measures, like proper immunizations will be needed to ensure that your system is best placed to fight off ailments. Exercise can be continued but with consultation from a physician.

II. Stroke

Stroke is a pressing concern for women’s health in Singapore like any place on the globe. With 55,000 more cases than reported annually, it isn’t something to take lightly.

The two types of stroke you will want to be knowledgeable about are; hemorrhagic, involving brain bleeding, and ischemic, which stems from blocked blood vessels. Recognizable symptoms for stroke include speech difficulties and limb numbness.

And being pregnant increases your risks of suffering stroke. Preeclampsia a condition characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy heightens your risks for suffering stroke.

Another factor that further increases your risks of stroke during pregnancy is hypercoagulation which is excessive blood clotting during pregnancy. Clots may obstruct blood flow to the brain and increase risks of complications.

To safeguard against stroke, prioritize regular check-ups, control blood pressure, and maintain a heart-healthy diet. Also, stay active, avoid smoking, and limit alcohol intake.

III. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes the weakening of bones. For postmenopausal women, it raises significant concerns as they’re at greater risks of fractured bones due to the condition.

Factors that may increase your risks for osteoporosis include early menopause, low BMI, and genetics. Medications and cancer treatment may also play a role.

To combat this, prioritize calcium-rich foods, do more weight-bearing exercises, and steer clear of smoking and excessive alcohol. This regimen enhances bone health.

It can help reduce your risks of suffering fractures and preserve your bone health. Regular check-ups remain vital for early detection and management for osteoporosis.

IV. Urinary Tract Infections

Compared to men, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are prevalent among women due to their shorter urethra. The shorter urethra allows bacteria easier access to the bladder.

These infections occur when germs enter the urethra and multiply. Common symptoms range from frequent urination, to burning during urination, and cloudy urine.

While some UTIs may resolve on their own, antibiotics may be prescribed if needed. For recurrent cases, further tests can assess urinary tract health.

To prevent UTIs, the first thing you will want to do is to maintain good hygiene. Also, staying hydrated, and emptying the bladder after intercourse can be helpful.

Importantly, wear breathable cotton underwear and avoid harsh soaps around the genital area to lower your risks of UTIs. If you already have signs that may be indicative of UTIs like a burning sensation when urinating, strong smelling urine or urine with tinge of blood, schedule an appointment with a clinic that specialize in women’s health in Singapore for evaluation and guidance on the right next steps forward.

V. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the breast grow uncontrollably. Regular screenings, like monthly self-examinations and yearly mammograms, are key in early detection.

For those with high-risk genes (BRCA1 and BRCA2), 3D mammography offers detailed imaging. To reduce your risks of breast cancer, follow a healthy lifestyle which includes physical exercises, and not smoking. It is also crucial to share any breast changes with your healthcare provider promptly.

Concluding Thoughts on what are Five Female Health Concerns?

There are several resources that can help you stay informed on issues that affect women’s health in Singapore. Make good use of them to be knowledgeable on the best ways to stay healthy.

If you have any concerns about your health and would love to have a chat with a specialist on women’s health in Singapore, connect with the team at Endofibroid today. Call or visit the facility at;

Endofibroid | Centre For Endometriosis And Fibroids – Women’s Health Screening | HPV Vaccination Singapore

38 Irrawaddy Road

#05-49 Mount Elizabeth Novena

Singapore 329563

(65) 8048 7994