CAREhab 2020

    This is where CAREhab comes into play. Serving as the collaborative platform which brings together healthcare institutions, technology enablers, disruptors & innovators, researchers, regulators and academics among others, the program facilitates conversation between stakeholders to co-develop patient centric solutions.

    Driven by innovation, technology and quality content, CAREhab works with the relevant communities to spark innovation and encourage better quality of care. From promoting treatment efficacies, to encouraging patient centricity, to creating the right healthcare infrastructure and services surrounding the patient journey, this is the platform which you need to get involved to keep up with the dynamic healthcare landscape in Asia Pacific.

    Do let us know when the comms is up. Thanks!

    Organiser: SingEx Exhibitions

    The SingEx Group comprises of four closely linked companies that collectively provide a comprehensive range of integrated solutions for venue management and consultancy, exhibition and conference organising services and international exhibition related ventures. The companies under the group are subsidiaries of SingEx Holdings and are wholly owned by Temasek Holdings, one of Singapore’s largest investment holding companies.

    Based in Singapore, the SingEx Group has played an integral role in the development of the exhibitions and events industry in the Asian region since 1978, bringing our experience and professionalism to the continuous development of innovative business platforms and solutions for regional markets.