IBM works with healthcare facilities around the world to leverage information technology to provide enhanced operational effectiveness, deliver collaborative care for prevention and wellness, and achieve better quality of care and improved outcomes. IBM provides process, technology, architecture, integration and program management services to new digital hospitals or hospitals looking to digitally transform their infrastructure.
John Crawford
European Healthcare Industry LeaderJohn is jointly responsible for IBM’s Healthcare Business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He is a contributor to several healthcare IT industry groups, including COCIR, Continua Health Allian...
Michele O’Connor
Sales resource and Chief Privacy Officer at IBM InitiateMichele O’Connor is a Worldwide Master Data Management Sales resource and Chief Privacy Officer at IBM Initiate. She has over 25 years of experience in health information management and interoperabi...
Salwa Rafee
Innovation and Transformational Healthcare LeaderSalwa is an innovative and transformational healthcare leader, with over 20 years of progressive leadership roles in strategy planning, eHealth innovation, consulting services and complex program m...