Richard Harada

Richard Harada serves as the Director of Marketing for Olympus Medical Systems Group’s Systems Integration business unit. Having over 25-years of experience in product development, marketing and sales management in hospital information systems, Mr. Harada’s expertise lies in radiology image archive systems, data storage systems and integration systems.
Company:Olympus EndoalphaTM
Olympus EndoalphaTM Systems integration starts with real time access, display, and transmission of clinical data and high-definition images. Add to it a centralized control system to enable the operation of surgical and peripheral equipment from within the sterile field, a tele-surgery conferencing system so surgeons can collaborate with colleagues during minimally invasive surgery cases, such as Colonoscopy, Upper GI Endoscopy, and Laparoscopy, without delay, and interconnectivity to other image modalities for 3-D navigation and with hospital information system information to gather patient stats, and you have a finely tuned and harmoniously functioning OR and procedure room. Design the equipment bays, displays, surgical lights and cameras so they are easily manipulated and conveniently stored, and you have a cutting-edge integrated solution.For more information, please visit Olympus at