Print Issue Nov’20
The Board’s Role in Hospital Finances and Operations During COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has underscored the importance of the hospital board’s governan...
Going Beyond the EHR to Continue the Success of Value-Based Care
The healthcare industry is in the midst of an unprecedented revolution. Historically, the ...
Rebuild, Re-emerge & Reimagine: A Guide for Health Systems in the Pandemic Era
The COVID-19 pandemic is the global challenge of a lifetime for healthcare organizations, ...
Transitioning to a New Normal: Healthcare in the Wake of the Coronavirus
The novel coronavirus pandemic is changing the way we access healthcare, with patients alr...
COVID-19 is Here. What Impact Should We Expect on U.S. Healthcare Supply Chains?
COVID-19 is now solidly impacting the U.S. healthcare system. As the strategy shifts from ...
Preclinical imaging technology now driving cancer research
Over the last decade, equivalent multi-modal diagnostic imaging technologies routinely use...
New Technology Implementation Thrives with System Wide Training and Support
According to Greek philosophy: Change is the only thing that is constant. This rings parti...