Print Issue – Nov’11
Sustainable Personalised Healthcare: New Zealand Initiatives Showcased At Global E-Health Forum
New Zealand, famed for its pristine landscapes, healthy lifestyle and innovations, is also...
Comprehensive Adoption of Early Diagnosis Will Improve Utilization of Hospital Equipment
Efficiency of hospital equipments will get improved if adoption of early diagnostic system...
The Expanding Role of Clinical Diagnostics Through IT
A new generation of diagnostics IT tools is getting results in the hands of clinicians fas...
E-Health as Key Enabler for Designing Personalized Healthcare
“We believe that burden of chronic diseases and expensive treatments are increasing dema...
Designing Personalised Healthcare
New mechanisms in terms of digital data and online information about patients, will give a...
A World of Difference in Healthcare Data Exchange
All nations — even those with well-established healthcare initiatives now face a pressin...
Feel-good Hospitals for patients and caregivers
Patients need much more than just medication and skilled treatment in order to get well. A...
Balancing Privacy Protection with Patient Care
Healthcare providing organizations have a dual duty to their patients: to provide the high...