Print Issue – Dec’18
Doctors Center Hospital Of Puerto Rico Uses Trusted Data To Improve Decision-Making And Kpis
Data lies at the center of Doctors Center Hospital’s strategy to improve its revenues an...
Is your facility ready for the next respiratory outbreak?
Global conditions are such that the threat of a respiratory pandemic is greater than ever ...
Steerable Microcatheter Facilitates Faster Vessel Selection, Resulting in Lower Procedure Time
Selective cannulation of a small arterial branch vessel for targeted angiography or emboli...
Healthcare organizations in deep water as phishing attacks increase
Barely a day passes without hearing the news of a new large-scale data breach. Cyber-attac...
Benefits of Collaborative Learning Environments
Patient care, organizational reputation, and technology ROI flourish when peer-to-peer edu...
Hospital Acquired Infections: Global Crisis Demands More Innovative Solutions
Hospital acquired infections have become so commonplace that patient horror stories have l...
Preventing stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation and co-morbidities: The right NOAC for the right patient
Atrial fibrillation (AF) increases the risk of stroke by 5-fold. Non-vitamin K antagonist ...
Hospital’s Costs Hold the Key to Managing Healthcare Costs
Health is a top priority globally, and healthcare is considered crucial for sustainable de...