Print Issue Aug’21
Health Professional Shortage Areas Alleviated by Telehealth?
More than 82 million people currently live in Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA), a...
Integration and Interoperability: The Future of Healthcare Data
The healthcare technology revolution is coming, but it’s also long overdue. For decades,...
Beyond telehealth – new data-driven solutions for better care
COVID-19 has driven a huge number of breakthroughs in health technology. Some have leverag...
How Can We Reimagine Medicare Star Ratings for a Post-Covid Population?
Like so much else last year, Covid-19 interrupted business as usual for Medicare’s STARS...
The Virtual House Doctor of the 21st Century
Digital technology can transform the home to “hospital of the future” Powered by digit...
Hospitals Pursue a New Way Forward in 2021: Top 10 Trends to Watch
Healthcare organizations across the globe have grappled with constant disruption since COV...
Five Productivity Best Practices Maximize Staffing Efficiency, Reduce Costs and Improve Patient Care
For every hospital, large or small, a skilled staff is perhaps the most valuable asset –...