Print Issue – Aug’18
Point-of-Care Convenience and The Required Investments in Quality Assurance
Point-of-Care testing may be considered essential for patient care in emergencies where ti...
Modernizing Device Management to Empower Healthcare Workers
Clinical engineers, though not broadly recognized outside the industry, are often regarded...
The Solution to Infection Prevention: Clinical Process Improvement
In every hospital and health system across the country, the fight against infection is a p...
Exasol helps Piedmont Healthcare’s Infection Control with Fast Data Analytics
The Initial Situation : Healthcare providers store a colossal amount of data in the form o...
Study Links Bedside Access to Evidence-Based Nursing CDS and Increased Hospital Value-Based Care Performance Scores
Hospitals that arm nurses with bedside access to evidence-based nursing procedures and rea...
How Can Big Data Power The Future Of Healthcare
In today’s world, the usage of big data has made huge leaps in in various industries, he...
Quicker, More Accurate Diagnoses for Dangerous Diseases and Genetic Disorders
Stand first: There is growing awareness of the valuable role that diagnostics can play, bo...