Fighting the Healthcare Staffing Crisis Through Digital Innovation
If you work in the healthcare industry, odds are you are quite familiar with the current staffing crises. There simply are not enough medical personnel to go around.
Low Satisfaction, Strong Support: Assessing The NHS At 75
The NHS faces increased scrutiny at its 75th anniversary, with overall satisfaction at a 40-year low; however, the support for equitable access remains strong.
Health Foundation And Ipsos Explores Public Views On Health
The Health Foundation and Ipsos conduct a 2-year research program on public perceptions of health and social care through biannual polling of the UK public.
Total Wound Check With Paper-Like AI-Led Sensor In Singapore
Singapore-developed PETAL sensor patch as it is called demonstrates a sharpness of 97% in differentiating healing wounds from non-healing burn, chronic wounds.
FDA Wants Feedback On Tech That Facilitates Care At Home
A series of homecare questions have been posed by the FDA to the public for instance how it can enable device development for use in non-clinical care scenario.