Spreemo Health Expands diagnostics offerings to combat inappropriate care and unnecessary surgery

Spreemo Health today announced the launch of the Diagnostic Accuracy Program, which combines its data-driven quality care framework with collaborative, consensus-based second opinions in order to mitigate the effects of diagnostic errors on patients considering surgery or other high-risk medical interventions.
“An accurate and comprehensive diagnosis dramatically improves a patient’s chances of receiving the right care and getting a positive outcome,” said Richard Herzog, MD, FACR, Director of Spinal Imaging at the Hospital for Special Surgery and Executive Director of Spreemo Health’s Quality Research Institute.

“Errors in the diagnostic stage of care can result in profound harm to the patient through unnecessary procedures and delays in appropriate care,” said Ron Vianu, CEO of Spreemo Health. “This program addresses that issue by making sure each patient has the most accurate diagnosis possible before embarking on complicated, risky and costly treatment paths.”

The impact of errors on costs is particularly significant in spine care, which accounts for almost $100 billion in healthcare expenditures each year. For pre-surgical spine patients, diagnostic errors are both prevalent — Dr. Herzog’s recent Spine Journal study found diagnostic error rates up to 43 percent — and potentially life-changing when they result in inappropriate spinal procedures.
“The evidence clearly shows that this is a much-needed program for pre-surgical patients most at risk for poor outcomes,” added Vianu. “By combining the best data science and clinical research with academic rigor, we’re able to deliver the quality of care normally available only to professional athletes at a cost everyone can afford.”
The program, initially available to large employers and insurance carriers, has launched in 38 states, including California, Florida and New York; availability in other states and directly to patients will follow. For details about current offerings, email qri@spreemo.com.
Spreemo Health, ranked among North America’s fastest-growing companies in 2015 and 2016, works with a rapidly expanding portfolio of Fortune 500 companies to connect clients covering tens of millions of patients with the highest-quality radiology providers nationwide. To better identify those providers, Spreemo Health founded the Quality Research Institute to lead the development of an objective, data-driven understanding of the emerging science of quality.Related Links