Real Time Medical Systems (Real Time), the leading healthcare interventional analytics company connecting post-acute care facilities, hospitals, ACOs, and payers, announces the launch of its new Real Time Notifications App. As a companion application to Real Time’s suite of advanced Interventional Analytics solutions, the app allows Real Time customers to access live Clinical Alerts and Keyword Notifications to improve the continuity of care for patients residing in post-acute care (PAC) settings.
The free app, available on Apple and Android devices, offers customizable features enabling care teams to prioritize Real Time alerts by role, payer source, and unit(s) – within and across all facilities.
“Because the Notifications App puts live, actionable data directly into the hands of clinicians on a smart device, they gain even quicker line-of-sight into patient status changes and can administer more timely interventions,” explains Jim Shearon, Real Time’s Vice President of Clinical Solutions. “Noting these condition changes, the app also helps staff assess additional reimbursement opportunities.”
Receiving immediate notifications pulled directly from PAC EHR data, the Notifications App is a critical tool in improving transitions of care – especially during the first 72 hours of a patient’s admission to the facility when readmission risk is highest. Real Time’s live clinical alerts, sent 24/7/365, ensure care teams can easily identify high-risk patients and immediately apply appropriate interventions to reduce unnecessary rehospitalizations and prevent adverse events from occurring.
“Real Time is excited to share our new Notifications App with the dedicated care management and clinical teams who oversee PAC patients. Not only can it help them improve the quality of care; it helps detect and reduce potential patient risks and improve clinical workflows,” said Real Time Executive Vice President of Health System Solutions, Phyllis Wojtusik.
About Real Time Medical Systems
Real Time Medical Systems is the industry-leading Interventional Analytics solution that turns EHR data into actionable insights. Serving healthcare organizations nationwide, Real Time improves clinical performance by reducing avoidable hospital admissions/readmissions, managing reimbursements, improving care coordination, and detecting early onsets of infectious disease.