The Life Healthcare Group is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and its head office is located in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is one of the largest hospital groups in the country and has more than 32 years’ experience in the private healthcare industry. The company’s primary business is private acute hospital care available through 64 healthcare facilities located in seven of South Africa’s nine provinces as well as one hospital in Botswana. In addition the Group provides services for a range of complementary healthcare services including acute physical rehabilitation, acute mental healthcare and renal dialysis. Life Employee Health Solutions, a division of the Group, also provides both occupational health and employee wellness services to private and public employers. The Group has a significant an international presence through Alliance Medical Group (UK and Europe); Scanmed S.A. (Poland) and Max Healthcare (India).
Shrey Viranna
Shrey Viranna is a medical doctor by profession and the Group Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd. Dr. Viranna served as Chief Executive Officer of ...